"Hybrid Cars Initiative" Listed Under "Tax", "Electric Cars Initiative" Listed Under "Transport"

These are both “Transport” policies.


It might be because those are tax breaks.


But yes, I admit it’s not very clear, maybe they could be called something else, so that they’re less confusing.

Perhaps, Hybrid Car Tax Breaks?

And what would an Electric Cars Initiative be, if not a tax break scheme? A subsidy?

What’s the difference, even? A subsidy is just a negative tax break.

This seems like it would belong under Transport, because, to the extent that the byzantine bureaucratic architecture of the State does not yet have a Ministry of Technology (big mistake!) it is going to be the effectiveness of the Transport ministry that determines the effectiveness of the policy.

The mechanism, whether tax breaks, investment, or government investment in research, is variable and unclear in all cases. The outcome is in transportation.

A subsidy is spending, it’s not a tax break. You’re giving money directly. A tax break, is tax forgivnance, there’s a difference. One where there less revenue for the state and one where there is more spending.

A negative tax break, would just be a tax. So, a subsidy cannot bbe a negative tax break.

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