Is there a PDF Manual?

I want to buy this game but it looks very complicated. Is there a PDF manual that I can download?

If there is no PDF manual is there a comprehensive and resettable in-game tutorial?

If not I can’t buy the game.

No to the PDF manual, yes to the tutorial.

If you’re looking for a strategy-guide style style manual that breaks down the stats of all the weapons and ship hulls and stuff like that, it doesn’t exist. However any questions you have can be answered on this forum.

I 2nd the need for a PDF manual of some kind. For example, Shadowrun Returns does this so well with in-game viewable pdf’s explaining each stat, combat, everything about the game really. It’s all fine and good to play the single player content without a deep understanding of the game but online challenges must be intimidating for many new players after they get stomped and have no idea why and no way to make sense of the enemies strategy or how to counter it.