[MOD] Ancient vs Microbe v1.01

Have you tried chipping off some stuff, afterall everyone else is shooting lasers, Rockets and plasma at these guys

i dont think thats possible with gsb damage system?

anyways,why are ya`ll trying to chop, slash, crush, and make rotten my favourite ship? :smiley:

chipped off some stuff

3 new modules.

is it possible to make self-regenerating armor?

Don’t know, but will be fairly difficult to balance I think.

Just a thought
With the ships being plants i would have expected them to use photosynthesis as a power source
So instead of solar panels you add leaves to the ships :slight_smile:

balancing aside… with all the coding i dont c y not

Lol but I kinna like the way solar panel looks right now. Maybe I should replace bio fuel with leaves.

Well, an armor module uses SIM_ArmorModule, while a repair unit uses SIM_RepairModule. ArmorModule does not accept repair and RepairModule does not accept armor value. Even if there’s a way to get past that, you still have to get the armor to self heal, rather than general armor heal.

true that true that…

Don’t bother chopping parts of the ship in the damaged model because gsb just ADDS on top of the original sprite the damaged sprite. As chopped parts are transparent you will still have that part of the ship visible.

New ship, looks a lot cooler as an image than in game. Wonder if I should use this image for a cruiser instead.

perhaps you could add a slight glow effect to it?

and if it was a cruiser it should look better as the smaller details will be more easily picked up

That flower is sufficiently awesome that I think it should be shown in-game as something large. Its trilateral symmetry makes me think of an immobile space fortress or some kind of big lumbering battle-wagon.

makes me think of a fast and agile graceful frigate, i like it :stuck_out_tongue:
shame you cant make it spin tho :frowning:

Here are 2 version of the frigate. Which version best match with the rest of the crew?

Here are the previous attempts. Not sure if I should include them since they don’t fit well with the rest.

To my eye, the second version blends better with the rest of the ship classes.

I see what you mean. Those are tough to fit in with the others.

I like the two that you didn’t like and posted. the smaller one is interesting as the larger one well its differant and purple with are both a plus form me.

you could have them impented as purly support ships (or Whatever you call them) that have one or two hardpoints at max (so there for Carriers etc…)

personally i like all of them
the small purple one could maybe be used as some sort of a special ship?
it looks like it could mount a single large beam weapon :slight_smile: