mods not loading xp

hey guys
I’ve downloaded the game from steam and played without problems for 2 hours. In the mods section it seems that greece is loaded but I can’t choose it from the countries list ? Do you also have the same problem or is it just me ?

I’m facing the same problem, please help us solve this!
Downloaded the game from steam, is this why we are having this issue?

The steam copy will happily run mods, but you have to install the mods in the location as your copy of steam, which frankly could be anywhere.
If you right click the game name in steam and select properties, then the ‘local files’ tab and browse local files.
Then look at the path to your copy of the game in the top of windows explorer, That is the location you need to point those mod installers to.
Don’t worry…steam workshop support is coming :smiley:

I already tried that man. Nothing seems to work.

Having a similar issue. Something went horribly wrong with my game a little over a week ago (upon starting it up, was a bunch of black and white squares). I downloaded it again, not from Steam, but from the site I got it from before the official release. It is v1.08. It’s working fine, but now no mods are being recognized no matter what folder I put them in. I even made sure the txt file is in the Mods folder and it says it’s there in the Mods option, but it’s really not. The program is running from the same folder I am putting the mods into. It was running fine before, what is the sudden issue?

I’ve just been playing with this and had no luck either. I’m really disappointed.

Same. The steam workshop just won’t download most mods for me. It’s so unpredictable which mods it will successfully refresh.