New 2 Democracy 2

Hi Cliffski,

I’ve finally got round to buying one of your games and after a quick run through the tutorial it looks an epic :slight_smile:

I can see me spending a few long evening with a glass of whiskey and this game.

I’ll post again once I have actually played through a full session.

Viva la revolution

The game looks very intricate and I have been a total failure at balancing things in my Eco Utopia up to now (been assasinated several times)

I’ll put in a few more hours to see if I can get past just 1 election day, lol.

I seem to have a CTD problem related to the FMOD system…

----DEBUG FILE----
Windows XP detected
Error! You are using an old version of FMOD 00041601. This program requires 00042600

I have downloaded the latest version of the FMOD (43000) , but have no idea how to integrate it with the game to stop the CTD’s.

Any ideas ?

Hi there;

I played the demo yesterday and since I loved the logic of the game I bought the full version by downloading from the official site of the game.

Is there anything extra that I need to download? Any patches? Any expansions?

