
I recently bought the game a few days ago.

I noticed one thing in particular. I end up with a set of policies (always more or less the same) that are quite good, keep on getting me elected with 90-100% and give me a surplus. That is, with most countries. Quite good as in:
little poverty, little unemployment, no crime, no violent crime, high lifespan, high air quality, average working week, high gdp, low car usage, high literacy, high productivity and whatnot.

In fact, I have never been able to beat unemployment in Poland, despite using every single method I could think of to do this (although I got almost 100% votes :stuck_out_tongue: ). Also, I have only been able to get the Really good economies with Britain and Sweden.

Oh yeah, and I’ve only found ways to reduce smokers, drinkers, motorists, religious and poor (I can think of an excellent way to reduce wealthy, but why would I do that?) groups, whereas I haven’t found a way to increase any other group but religious, smokers, drinkers (reversal of policies), farmers and retired people.

So I do have a few questions. How random are situations, if at all? Are they purely dictated by policies or are there actually challenges further in the game where situations arise that require heavy management?

Are there more groups that can reduced, increased? if so, any hints?

I noticed that maternity leave seriously reduces productivity, while there is the childcare provision that equally improves parent approval as well as productivity. It seems that maternity leave is only there to increase parent approval and leave you with less income. Is there anything hidden about the maternity leave?

And I am still working on getting some of the trophies :stuck_out_tongue:

Perhaps its time to increase your difficulty level from ‘nice little simulation’ to ‘the real world’ :wink:

Yeah, it does get a bit more difficult when the sliders are way to the right :stuck_out_tongue:

Getting out of debt would help.

Anyway, I shall come back when I have 99% votes in that difficulty :stuck_out_tongue:

You can increase the retired with free bus passes and state pensions I think.

situations and events are both affected by policies, although some events also have a random element to them.

Is there a way to reduce commuters overall? I’d like to engineer a society that makes an active attempt to create “microcommunities” in which the vast majority of people have the ability to walk to work. Or rather, I’d like to live in such a community… but that’s neither here nor there. :stuck_out_tongue: