Policy Funding - maximums

I was recently playing Democracy 2 trying to make something out of the space program, when I realized that the amount of money going into the program for say a space station varied by the country. This also brings up (in an indirect sort of way) the question why do policies have the maximums they do?

I would kind of like free universities, or to build my own moon for 1 trillion a year. Perhaps I could build a mega army like North Korea? The great wall between the USA and Mexico might get finished if I funneled in a few hundred million a year into border controls. I’m just thinking do some policies really have maximums other than budget limits?

On the same sort of note, what about instead of newspapers criticizing my policies more randomly, there be watchdog groups getting people angry over everything, like “too much healthcare” “too little healthcare” “prisoners living in luxury condos” “Laptop crisis, ligation that government contracts for school laptops weren’t fair, creates undue competitive advantage” etc. So some of the really good 80%+ policies suddenly aren’t as popular because of backlash?