recently unlocked weapons do not appear in ship design


I just proudly unlocked cruiser fireflies and nukes but although they appear correctly as unlocked they are not available in ship design :frowning:

Not all weapons and modules are available for all races. Some of the stuff are race restricted.

As I recall it the nuke missiles are restricted to ‘Order’.

You are right to a certain extend. Firefly rockets description says “only the Order have these weapons” So this clarifies the firefly issue. However there is no similar comment in the nukes description. Is the description inaccurate maybe?

Well, yes and no. If you check those weapons files in the GBS directory, you’ll see that those weapons are set to be restricted to certain race. A lot of restricted weapons aren’t marked as a restricted weapons in the descriptions.
What I did was simple adding a [race] tag in each restricted weapons/modules to keep track of them.

OK that was a clear KO! Many thanks!

Would you please show me where you entered this line? Would this alteration have any consequence on stability? I understand it is of no harm but could this result in file being recognised as corrupt (eg by means of sfv or smilar check) by the installer of a newer update?

I can’t answer what impact it have on online/muliplayer games as I only play singleplayer and modding.

To add the tags;

  1. Go to GBS directory
  2. continue to data/modules - note: races like order/swarm/etc. have their own directory eg. order/data/modules
  3. Open the file you want to edit with a text editor application

Restricted weapons/modules have this line in them eg. for Order:

restricted = order

If you want an easy way to identify a restricted weapon you can add a [tag] in the weapons/modules description;


description = "Blowing the enemy up with explosives is fun enough, but these pesky missiles deliver an ongoing radiation payload as well. Sneaky huh?."

description = "[Order] Blowing the enemy up with explosives is fun enough, but these pesky missiles deliver an ongoing radiation payload as well. Sneaky huh?."

So it’s that simple! Many thanks again!