the ultimate modding support suggestion thread

Another cool suggestion is to have modifiable turning radii. I’m not sure how practical this is with the engine however, but it would be cool to have and mod. Combined with variable fire arcs and we would have a deadly strategic and tactical advantages and disadvantages.

doesnt the weight of the ship decide the turn speed?

it would make sense to me if lighter ships turn faster then heavy ones. so if you put a heavy engine with a high power, the ship goes fast but is turning slower than a beached whale. if you then build a lighter ship with the same speed, you get a ship that turns faster.

it would create a whole new dimension of dogfighting :smiley:

Ah, but some large ships could have boosts or bonuses to radii, and perhaps new modules could have effect. Thrusters could count as engines that provide little thrust but a maneuvering boost. Combined with directional weapons, and suddenly turning becomes a major issue. :smiley:

Even without directional weapons. It brings up extra questions. Do you use an extra slot for thrusters to make sure your campaign ships can make it out if things go south, or do you add extra weapons to try to prevent it happening? How much do you trust the superiority of your fleet?

just got an idea the other day.

what if we got the kamikaze order, then that would open up more possibilities than we could have ever imagined!


one ship, frigate sized, vs suicidal ASTEROIDS!!

atleast it gave me some mind candy :smiley:


the problem with that is that the asteroids start chasing you…
but still a good idea :slight_smile: and kamikaze fighters, too. Make fighters not have a shockwave until their power produced is over 1000 or something.

i wish that the music was scenario based instead of race speciffic…

some scenarios are meant to have more evil/action/epic music than others.

is there a way to bypass this? like mabye creating hidden races?

You’re a mind-reader, my friend. Lately, this has been on my mind a great deal.

Cliffski : is there presently any clean, efficient way to make music selections misson-based that won’t be a major pain to code? Compared to some of the other requests out there, this sounds comparatively simpler to implement.

This would actually be easy to code, the problem would be that it doesn’t really justify a patch on it’s own. If I had a big bunch of things like that, which were relatively easy, I could get them all done at some point and patched.
It’s probably 5 minutes coding, and three hours of patch building testing uploading and notifying…
If I do another big, proper GSB patch it will hopefully include zoom-to-cursor, because it’s working in my new game, and just sooooooo much better :smiley:

@Archduke- nah, im not a mind reader. its just my awesome ninja-jedi powers!

@Cliffski- that would be very appreciated :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply re: music! Then we’ll see what we can do to help assemble some more player-requested attainable goals for you, worthy of rolling into another GSB patch.

Hey Cliffski, would you be able to do all easy to code stuff that we have asked for in the past and roll it up into one huge GSB patch? I’m sure that would work if your able to do all the simple things we have asked for and get it all out as one.

Cliffski - a few features I’d find useful or that I’ve noticed restricting other mods. Maybe there’s a couple of easy ones in there.

  • Multiple races restrictions, e.g. restricted = race1,race2,race3
  • Overriding user data directory via command line parameters (to allow playing total conversions without crashing).
  • Working salvos for missile and plasma weapons.
  • Carrier repair bays repairing all aspects of the fighters (hull, armour, shields, weapons).
  • Adding built-in modules to hulls.

And maybe a little work on the hull editor :smiley:

Oh and integrated weapons/modules into hulls.

Thanks Lonestar, I can’t believe I forgot my most recent suggestion.

Cliff, i think that is have a really good idea, it is not mine, but it should be somethig EPIC if you add it to the game :smiley:

Today i watched Skyline, AWESOME movie, i loved the speccial effects, but the one that i liked more was the abductor beam, that effect was AWESOME!
No, i’m not going to suggest abduction beams for GSB, even better:

[size=200]Energy Drain Beams[/size]

How? Easy, i noticed that if the ship lost the powergens, the weapons rechage and firing is slow down right?
Ok, this is not the point, but i’m trying to give a good explanation…

Also, we have another two interesting weapons, First: EMP beam, as everyone knows, it disables everything, except shields and the Driving AI or in other words, it can’t disable the ship at all.
Second: The Tractor beam, it slows down the target ship adding weight to it AND it has a diffusion effect in the beam…

I’m reaching the point :wink:

Now just think this, MIX every of these weapons, imagine it, a powerful light/beam starting from a weapon, with a diffusion effect in the way, and covering all the ship AND a shadow in the oposed side of the ship giving to it a lot more reality, now lets talk about the effects in the ship.
First, the weapong “hits the ship”, then it is started to be slowed down, at the same time, the ship glows, lights and engine glows begin to lose brightness and to start flashing intermittently, when the ship is totally stoped, every light is shut down, every weapon is paralized, the shield is no more, and the energy is depleted… the crew still alive, yet… but the ship is dead.

What about YOUR fleet? Well, i have two ideas about it, the fleet will continue obliterating every ship without honor, without mercy, with brutal efficiency no matter if that ship has helpless and dying crew…
Imagines the moment
-My god, that’s horrible!
OR the Targeting/Gunner [size=85](or whathever)[/size] AI will ignore the dead ship and continue with his work targeting more dangerous ships, in the case of the campaing, this should be something really REALLY awesome!

What about the weapon? Well, i suggest to make it shot just one time, REALLY expensive, with HUGE power requeriments and limited to target only BIG frigates and cruisers, ignoring fighters, small frigates and heavy shielded ships.
About the shields, they should be innefective against this weapon, because the energy is not coming from outside, it is leaving the ship! like the lasers and beams.

Cliff, ik/i’m sure that this is not easy to do, but something like this would make the game a lot more EPIC, PLEASE MAKE IT REALITY!!! xD

Another minor suggestions:

Scenario “mission” Descriptions:
The modders can add a description talking about the enemy that you will face and the battlefield. Some people will ignore it, others will read it giving more sense to the game, not just brutal/frontal battles without backstory/objetive than kill everything…

Hull Descriptions:
Same than above, use as example the descriptions of the contest, it’s really fun to read a little about th story of the ship, or what are the advantages/disadvantages and features of the hull ^^

Comments?? Thoughts?

EDIT: And, if you think it, if you just change the beam texture, adding some bits and changing the name of the module, you can name it “Crew Abductor Beam” :stuck_out_tongue:

one word

I already HATE HATE HATE the emp weapon and if this is in the game I WIll HATE you forever!

LOL, man, it is the sci-fi future, if we already have some electronic warfare weapons, (idk if we have emp weapons) they MUST have that Multiplied for billons! xD

And don’t forget the counters!