Thoughts on future new races

That’s why we live in space-stations!

as long as they’re the sort of “religious freaks” who desire to speed you on your way to the Final Reward, rather than to convert you into a door-to-door missionary, I think they’ll fit in fine with GSB. :wink:

Bo space cathedrals!

Haha was moreso referring to playing spore and dealing with the followers of Spode… annoying (#*@&s.

I think the next race should have red hulls as their spacecraft.

Have you been spying on my PC somehow…?

Well I knew about the Hull Editor and now this :wink:

Well since my space religious group is taken already, what about a similar group following the same path/pattern but are crazy zealots? So you have the peaceful ones and the warlike evil ones.

Then there’s always the need for crazy cyborgs bent on the destruction of everyone.

A cyborg race would be interesting. I consider Tribe to be a religouse-like group so I don’t think we need another one.

Cylons, again? xD

I don’t know how religious the Tribe really are. I mean, they’re peace-loving space-hippies who blow other people up. Perhaps they worship the God of Ritalin? :wink:

Oh heavens no, Cylons are entirely synthetic in origin. A cyborg race would be required (by law) to begin as normal, flesh-and-blood organic meatsacks and then augment themselves.

And speaking from a game mechanics standpoint, I’m not sure what would make sense to differentiate a cyborg race from everyone else. I mean, the standard cyborg trope is self-repair, but the Tribe have that pretty well sewn up. The other typical cyborg tactic is assimilation (e.g., the Borg), which doesn’t fit so well with GSB as a whole.

I know someone already posted it but… Space Pirates would be nice!

ah yes… space pirates! just what i was looking for. that would help in my self-sent challenges :S

“Protect the transports from the pirates!” XD

Pirates and cyborgs would be cool, but cyborg pirates would be even cooler. “Yarr, board that cruise-arr and assimilate the crew!”

with some different fleet setup boundries (like tabletop campaign games) maybe small pockets of space to put a couple of ships to replicate a ambush etc

Oh so are you saying you can place units in a side thing at start, and they’ll come in so many minutes into the fight?

Pirates Would be Good. Just give then Some of there own ships and other teams Stolen Ships, and make then piratey, and they should get a new weapon thats a pirate radio or that when in range has # chance to Use a opponents Turret against them.

If there were to be some sort of cyborg/robotic race, I think they would be suited by a sort of obsession with efficiency. Something like thin armour, high power output, lots of weapons, few modules. Powerful but inflexible perhaps.

A race would be awesome, which is using asteroids as space ship hulls. Build up with some mashines on the surface. Maybe the race get benefits on robustnes or armour, with lack on speed.

Or some kind of Falcon, Raptor or Bird-of-Prey. Highly maneuverable and fast. Maybe with lack of armor.

the astroid race would be good, a mining colony thats fed up with all the bickering and has giant ships that can tear othere ships apart and astroid bases that are slow but the races weapons are crap