'Blank' nation

I was wondering if there’s a way to play an scenario with no legislation established at all. Some kind of blank scenario where you start passing reforms (or not?) to see everything and drive (an imaginary?) country through different paths from the beginning.

I’d do this myself… if I wasn’t a bit horrible with this kind of stuff (I don’t really know if this is even possible).

The idea of modding my own country (Spain) is something that I have discarded because of this :frowning:

Basically you want a country with no policies already enabled at the start? If that’s what you want I could do it for you(or teach you how to do it).
Also,you shouldn’t give up on your mod,it may be hard to understand how the .txt and .csv files work at first glance but if you study it at your own pace you will be able to do it :slight_smile:

Yup. And if I’m not wrong, I remember a very similar scenario in Democracy 2 to what I’ve described and what you’ve said, a zero policies country where you start from scratch.

Indeed, and the new-ish modding guide was a twinkle in my eye, heh, so I’ll try to start from there and check other countries that already have been made (Greece and Finland if I recall correctly).

Go to your Democracy 3 folder and open data\missions\choose a country

I’ll use Canada as an example:
I won’t talk about overrides because I don’t really know how they work either.

Opening the scripts folder inside Canada’s mission,you will see files like “less_alcoholic.txt”,“more_young.txt”
Inside these text files you’ll see some codes that will change some things on your country right from the game start. If you want to get rid of these extra effects just delete the .txt files.

Opening Canada.txt we’ll find this:

currency = "$"
population = 16738
economic_cycle_start = 0.28
min_income = 8000
max_income = 150000
min_gdp = 882500
max_gdp = 2627500
wealth_mod = 1.26
starting_debt = 1080000
name  = canada
guiname = "Canada"
names_file = "data\names\canadanames.txt"
term_length = 20
max_terms = -1
details_image = "canada_details.jpg"
description = "Canada became a self-governing dominion in 1867 while retaining ties to the British crown. The government is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy, with Queen Elizabeth II as head of state. The country is officially bilingual and multicultural. The economy is one of the largest in the world, relying primarily on its rich natural resources. Canada is a member of the G8, NATO, the Commonwealth of Nations and the UN."
flag = "flag_canada.jpg"
apathy = 0.41
jobtitle = "Prime Minister"
GUID = 5


Population: = "33,476,688 (2011)"
Size: = "9,984,670 sq km"
Life expectancy: = "81.57 years"
Gini(inequality): = "32.1"
GDP per capita: = "$41,500"
Poverty: = "9.4%"
Ethnicity: = "British 28% French 23% Mixed 26%"
Religion: = "Christian(70.3%)"
Moose population: = "est 750,000"
Maple syrup consumption: =  0.26kg/person
Big Mac Index: = "$4.63"

CorporationTax = 0.39
SalesTax = 0.29
PetrolTax = 0.12
UnemployedBenefit = 0.2
StateHealthService = 0.74
StateSchools = 0.68
UniversityGrants = 0.48
PropertyTax = 0.3
RailSubsidies = 0.31
TobaccoTax = 0.4
AlcoholTax = 0.4
CapitalGainsTax = 0.4
InheritanceTax = 0.4
IncomeTax = 0.45
ForeignAid = 0.26
ArmedPolice = 0.24
StatePensions = 0.6
ChildBenefit = 0.5
JuryTrial = 0.5
ScienceFunding = 0.32
CitizenshipTests = 0.5
RaceDiscriminationAct = 0.8
LegalAid = 0.5
CCTVCameras = 0.35
StateHousing = 0.59
AbortionLaw = 1.0
LegaliseProstitution = 0.01
PhoneTapping = 0.01
MaternityLeave = 0.65
MicrogenerationGrants = 0.5
CleanEnergySubsidies = 0.25
Gambling = 0.5
HandgunLaws = 0.4
PublicLibraries = 0.5
TollRoads = 0.25
SchoolBuses = 0.75
TechnologyGrants = 0.75
ForeignInvestorTaxBreaks = 0.1
FaithSchoolSubsidies = 0.32
SchoolPrayers = 0.12
RuralDevelopmentGrants = 0.20
AgricultureSubsidies = 0.21

If you analyse the file consulting the mod guide you’ll start to understand how it all works. Anyway,to remove all the policies just delete everything below the [policies] line,but keep in mind that some policies are permanent and can’t be removed.They will instead start with the slider at exactly half(0.5)

Sorry if I wrote it in a confusing way,but in case you need any help just ask! :slight_smile: