[Bug] Conveyer Will Not Move After Change

Ver 0.43.01

I had a simple line with an Ionizer and two pill printers. I moved the ionizer out of the line to let the current production flush itself out. Put in a Creamer in place of the two pill printers reconnected the conveyers and than put the ionizer back in-line. However the Ionizer took in one ingredient than stopped. I ended up having to delete the conveyers from the ionizer to the creamer and than reinstall them to get the line moving again.

It’s like the output conveyer didn’t attached itself to the Ionizer when I put it back in place and the new conveyers didn’t attach themselves to the old ones. I’m able to move pill printers out and back in to use the analyzer with out a problem.

Has anyone else see this problem? I don’t recall have this problem the last times I played, about two weeks ago.

In that image, you installed the creamer the wrong way around. The output (red arrow) points to the input line, while the input (green arrow) points to the export bay.

Turn the creamer around and it should work again.

I spotted the error after I restarted the game, it’s normally the pill printers that get me. :wink: