
Oh? So the attraction meter you see for them is what they think of you? I thought it was what you thought of them.

It’s like potential romance. A measure of physical and emotional attraction, given that you know them really well. It never changes, it’s a fixed random property for everyone you can be attracted to (opposite or either sex depending on the same-sex-romance option).

New bug I just ran across in v 1.02. You can accept an invitation twice on the same day in the weekend.

Hi cliff! First of all: Thanks for making those great games. I consider myself a long time gamer (started when I was about 6 years old) and I really enjoy games with good ideas and a focus on gameplay instead of fancy graphics. So please keep on the good work.

I just played the game for a few hours and noticed some things I wanted to share with you, because I know that you do patches and tweaks to make your games better :slight_smile:

So let’s start with some bugs: If you play in window mode and change out of the window the game stops for a few seconds when you change back before it continues to run again… I don’t know if it is normal, but i never had that in other games, so maybe there’s a problem…

The next thing is: If you change out of the game window and then back into it sometimes it loses the background image. Not a big bug, but just to mention it. It comes back when the next day starts, so no big deal.

A bug or maybe not: You can attend classes when you’re sick (in some cases the only chance to finish classes in a reasonable time, but that’s another problem I will mention later in this text.) Is it a bug or do you want to have sick people sneezing around in classes? :wink:

Then a few tweaking questions:
Is there a reason why friends get so upset with you if you don’t join their social events? I mean if I invite friends in real life and they refuse to come because of lack of time or something I wouldn’t be mad at them :wink: And if I’m a junior doctor and a friend invites me to a bar and wine bar every second day he can’t expect me to join him every time. My liver and patients would not apreciate it if I get drunk all the time. :smiley: (By the way I think it takes way too long to get sober, I never was drunk for more then one and a half day in real life - and yes I tried :stuck_out_tongue: )
I see a reason to be upset if someone refuses to join events a few times in a row or if it’s a birthday party or something, but I really think the friends in kudos 2 are overreacting.

Might there be a possibility in future versions to take a vacation day ore change working days?
If you have a job which is really exhausting and stressful there’s no way you can pass evening school in less then 2 or 3 years, because even with a cat and fish you get too stressed and exhausted if you have classes on tuesday or later. The only way to be energetic and relaxed enough to make real progress is if you are sick and go to classes anyway. So maybe if you could take a day off every 2 weeks or something you could finish school or relax at home. Or if you could work on let’s say Saturday morning instead of Tuesday it would help too.

Will there be more cheap social events?
If you have a job with low salary it’s really hard to maintain friendships… there are just a few events like soccer and snowball fight which don’t cost anything. I think it would be nice to have events like just inviting someone over to talk (if they like conversations and gossip) or to watch TV (even if you don’t have cable) or just a walk in the park together, or go jogging together or some events like that.

Will it possible to just refuse to be someones friend?
When you join many social events of one friend and he or she always invites the same friends after a time they become your friends too. Not a bad idea, but if you lose them as a friend (which is almost sure if you have enough other friends to care for) your friend loses that friend too and you lose kudos. So I think it would be nice if you could choose who you’d like to become a close friend and who not. Why should I lose kudos and confidence for losing a friend I never wanted and don’t even care about?

Oh! And what’s wrong with the cat?
In the last game I played my guy stayed at home most of the time and the cat freaked out anyway. There was a scratch tree and enough food and the cat always seemed to be mad at me. Is there any way to change that or is that cat just too sensible? Or will there be an event like “Play with your cat” or something?

Okay I guess that’s all for now. I hope it’s helpful and not just annoying critic :wink:

Have a good night!

Hi thanks for the feedback. It would be very easy to add a ‘play with pets’ activity. Right now my #1 concern is to track down and fix any crash bugs people have found, so I’m putting everything else on hold until I have sorted all of those. They are the hardest things to fix :frowning: