Custom Bullet Textures

Thank you so much for this, and all the other 1.57 features.

  1. New Feature: Support for longer race descriptions.
  2. New Feature: Modding support for custom bullets textures.
  3. Support for return-to-sender capability on missiles.
  4. Support for more than one plasma missile in flight at any one time, per launcher (if configured for that module)
  5. Support for flak guns (bullet modules with area-of-effect damage).

Anyone has samples of how they work?

flak guns are modified bullet modules:

classname = "SIM_BulletWeaponModule" payload = FLAK aoe_radius = 64 aoe_scalar = 0.5

RTS weapons are modified ecm beams:

classname = "SIM_ECMBeamModule"
ecmpayload = "RETURNTOSENDER"

Does custom bullet texture still works the same way as previous default one, like 32x128 pix and then you set the number in module if it contains more than one image?

Yep, you can make your own file with custom bullets from 0 to 8 (9 does not work), but i think that the majority are using the second option, make one big high quality bullet using the entire file and using 10 to show it entirely.

Thanks. I was speculating on how to make dual/twin lasers without getting the bullets too small (32x128 pix).

You can allways use an image with supra high resolution but the same image proportions and then archieve a high resolution

When we’re talking high res are talking 512x512 or higher?

Didnt checked, but yeah, when i talk about high resolution i talk about something higher than standard Fx of the game.

I have a bullet FX that is 256x256 and it works just fine. Well they both work fine, I have a single ball of what looks like plasma, and a twin bullet effect.

Yeah, u can use any resolution u want, the only requirement is that the texture file must be multiple of 2, so u can use 128x128 / 256x256 / 512x512 and so on. I am actually using a 512x512 bullet texture file.

But i tell u, unless u make the bullet very big (i mean in the module file, the value called height and widht) , u better dont waste too much time on detailing the bullets, cuz u will notice nothing in the final bullet in-game.

I must do something wrong. My twinlaser fx:


But in ingame it comes out as two almost non-visible, it should have same thickness as normal laser.


Module info:

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
armour_penetration = 51
blasttexture = “”
category = “WEAPONS”
classname = “SIM_BulletWeaponModule”
bullet_texture = “”
color = 10
cost = 120
crew_required = 6
damage = 24
description = “[REBEL] It doesn’t all have to be about the beam weapons. Pulse lasers may be unfashionable, but they can deliver serious damage, and switch targets more frequently. Pulse is the new beam.”
fire_interval = 450
guiname = “Twin Laser”
height = 8.3
hitpoints = 110
icon = turret
min_range = 80
max_range = 510
name = “cruiser_laser_twin_laser”
optimum_range = 390
powerconsumed = 14
restricted = “rebel”
shield_penetration = 58
size = “CRUISER”
sound = data/sounds/swarm_gun_08.ogg
soundvolume = 1.0
speed = 6
tracking_speed = 0.85
turret_sprite = “turret_twin_v1”
turretsize = 12.0
weight = 145
width = 2.2
slot_type = TURRET
uisortpos = 1081

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = damage,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = tracking_speed,DECIMAL
8 = shield_penetration,DECIMAL
9 = armour_penetration,DECIMAL
10 = crew_required,INTEGER
11 = optimum_range,DECIMAL
12 = min_range,DECIMAL[/code]

Try increasing width in the .txt file to 5 or 6.


Anyone feels like using those? Some of the sprites are small but i guess one can easily enlarge them. I made them for Distant Worlds some time ago. What do you ppl think?


i like all of the beam ones. torpedo_6 and torpedo_x6 too.

it would be awesome if you could make those bigger. it works fine as is, but i prefer hd sprites :smiley:

really great work man!

Nah, I can do much better. Small resolutions were always a problem when I was working on stuff for DW. Like I wrote you can safely enlarge that sprites x4 without making them too blurry. Apply scripts which increase sharpness if you want them even bigger. It will work, trust me.
BTW: what is the standard resolution for bullet sprites in GSB???


the first 4 bullets are: 32x128 then the 2 on the right are: 64x128 and the last 4: 32x128

the entire sprite is 256x256.

I’m seeing some Sins of a Solar Empire Advent Bullets there xD

those are better versions of SoSE weapons - I added some glowing awesomeness to them.
BTW- I see we play very similar games Praetors. You should really try Distant Worlds.

Hmmm, distant worlds? checking ^^