Dilemna Dilemna

First I have to say I love the game and I am trying to learn how to mod so I started with a dilemma, I think I came up with a good one but when I go to test it, when I select a choice the game crashes and I was hoping someone can tell me where the mistake is, also any other advice and changes are sure welcome and appreciated, perhaps it may also give some of you a likable idea…

So I based this on when the Controversial Movie Zero Dark Thirty released and there was a lot of international tension and protest, including locally to Los Angeles…so here is the coding

name = “Movieban”
guiname = “Controversial Movie Release”
description = “Follow recent military undercover operations that has already furiated some international governments, Hollywood has made a controversial movie called ‘O two hundred:The final Hour’ which has sparked foriegn protest in third world countries and tensions are high locally, many Patriots are excited about the movie and the economic boost would help GDP”

0 = “random,0.3,0.5”
1 = “LiteracyRate,0.3+(0.45x)"
2 = "Immigration,0.25+(0.25
3 = "_Terrorism, 0.45+(0.35*x)’

Name=“Ban the Movie”
Description = “Foriegn cultures as well of many international leaders have voice their disfavor for the movie and encourage you to ban it from its upcoming releast”
OnImplement = “CreateGrudge(MovieBan,ForeignRelations,0.1,0.6);CreateGrudge(MovieBan,TradeUnionist,-0.15,0.7);CreateGrudge(MovieBan,Capitalist,-0.075,0.6);CreateGrudge(MovieBan,GDP,-0.02,0.7);CreateGrudge(MovieBan,MiddleIncome,-0.05,0.5);CreateGrudge(MovieBan,Patriot,-0.05,0.5);CreateGrudge(MovieBan,WorkerProductivity,-0.2,0.6);”

Name=“Allow the Movie to Release”
Description = “The movie industry has already produced more than 90% of the movie, invested vast amounts of money on advertising and production and would take a hard hit as well as possible protest of its union members. Upon release it would most definately have good sales and rally the locals.”
OnImplement = “CreateGrudge(MovieBan,ForeignRelations,-0.15,0.8);CreateGrudge(MovieBan,TradeUnionist,0.15,0.6);CreateGrudge(MovieBan,Capitalist,0.06,0.5);CreateGrudge(MovieBan,GDP,0.1,0.75);CreateGrudge(MovieBan,MiddleIncome,0.075,0.5);CreateGrudge(MovieBan,Patriot,0.05,0.4);CreateGrudge(MovieBan,WorkerProductivity,0.2,0.6);CreateGrudge(MovieBan,_Terrorism,0.75,0.4);CreateGrudge(MovieBan,crime,1,0.2);”

name = “Movieban”
guiname = “Controversial Movie Release”
description = “Follow recent military undercover operations that has already furiated some international governments, Hollywood has made a controversial movie
called ‘O two hundred:The final Hour’ which has sparked foriegn protest in third world countries and tensions are high locally, many Patriots are excited about
the movie and the economic boost would help GDP”

0 = “random,0.3,0.5”
1 = “LiteracyRate,0.3+(0.45x)"
2 = "Immigration,0.25+(0.25
3 = "_Terrorism, 0.45+(0.35*x)’

Name=“Ban the Movie”
Description = “Foriegn cultures as well of many international leaders have voice their disfavor for the movie and encourage you to ban it from its upcoming releast”
OnImplement = “CreateGrudge(MovieBan,ForeignRelations,0.1,0.6);CreateGrudge(MovieBan,TradeUnionist,-0.15,0.7);CreateGrudge(MovieBan,Capitalist,-0.075,0.6);

Name=“Allow the Movie to Release”
Description = “The movie industry has already produced more than 90% of the movie, invested vast amounts of money on advertising and production and would take a hard
hit as well as possible protest of its union members. Upon release it would most definately have good sales and rally the locals.”
OnImplement = “CreateGrudge(MovieBan,ForeignRelations,-0.15,0.8);CreateGrudge(MovieBan,TradeUnionist,0.15,0.6);CreateGrudge(MovieBan,Capitalist,0.06,0.5);

Update, I got it working, a few spelling fixes but the crash was being cause by “crime” which should have been “CrimeRate” It seems to be working just fine however, irregardless of which option I choose the grudge effects are not showing the dilemma name

for example,

on the Trade Unionist screen

The effect seems to be the highest when it first takes effect but the name is not showing, just a : followed by the graph bar,
then below it shows the rest of the influences to trade unionist.