GDP Could Be A Soft Limit

GDP could have a soft limit.

  1. Set GDP max value super-high (tens or hundreds of trillions, or just make it a quintillion, it’s highly unlikely anyone will reach that).
  2. Tie taxation to population as well.
  3. Define Taxable Population.
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lmao currently GDP goes from 0 to 1

Equations depend on things varying between 0 and 1.

Max value can be anything, changing the values, means redefining what 0 and 1 mean.

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Regarding the population part, I don’t think the population sim in this game is detailed enough to support such feature. Not even sure the game is intended to simulate such long-term effects.

Arguments for ‘unreachable max GDP’ have been a constant topic for discussion. I think the right question is ‘how’ rather than ‘why’ as of now. Cliff or any modder should be able to reduce all the existing GDP boosting effects to just one fifth but that’s not going to fix the problem IMO. Democracy is about comparing possible choices. If one of them is seemingly too trivial, it could be easily neglected.

I’d like to see GDP boosting effects to be more specific. Introducing several industrial sectors and some macro-economic notions will make it harder to stimulate the economy with a handful of policies and perhaps allow some conflicting effects on the economy, making some economic policies situational. But this isn’t as simple as ‘just one-fifth’ idea so I don’t expect this to arrive in near future.

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Regarding the population part, I don’t think the population sim in this game is detailed enough to support such feature. Not even sure the game is intended to simulate such long-term effects.

I’ve had a play around with my own private mods, and modelling population dependent Income Tax, for example, worked fine. I gave it an equivalent formula - “0.9+(0.1x)" - as cost of state industries, and it dealt with it no problem. Along with unemployment and wages multipliers - "0-(x0.3)”, and “0.8+(0.2*x)” respectively - and removing the GDP multiplier (to prevent double counting) this balanced well and didn’t cause many problems.


Well, atleast in the meantime an easy and soft limiting approach would be to make the max GDP unachievable.

So, it should not be a problem to implement this fix and move to it.

Would you like to put this up on Steam? I think that it’s a really useful mod which you’ve got there. Tying tax to population, you could also expand it, if you’d like to.

I mean, if you really want. It’s more of a stop gap towards an overwrite of income tax completely. Regardless, I won’t be able to for a few days at least as life has got in way a bit.

Well, there’s no compulsion, I was just suggesting. I think that it’s an important addition to mods, you can work on it and upload it when you have time.

A stop-gap method is better than no-method at all (to redefine taxation).

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