I bought it but its still in Demo?

Hi I have Windows Vista dont know if that matters, and I purchased the full version of Kudos 2 over an hour ago, but its still in Demo mode. Its super frustrating cause it doesnt save my characters either, and I only get to play a year. How do i get my full version that i paid for?

Check your email, you will have received a download link to the full version.
My mail was sent by ‘BMT Micro Orders’ and came within a minute of the payment confirmation.

The demo does not ‘unlock’, you download an install a new copy of the game, from the link in the order email.

This is really dumb I’m sorry, I’ve downloaded that but where does it pop up at??? It just kinda disappears and I cant find it lol…

when you download the file it goes where you put it, which is likely your windows desktop. you need to run that file to install the game, and that will set up a shortcut on your desktop to play the full game.

If you use Firefox, go to Tools - Downloads (or hit Ctrl-J) to bring up your list of downloaded files. Then, you can just double-click the installer from the list. I’m sure there’s a similar feature for IE but I don’t know where exactly it is.