[MOD] **Classic Dreadnoughts** now in service!

I appreciate the compliment, Cen. Thank you!

I confess I’m taken by surprise. I hadn’t known that this baseball game just went into extra innings. Good. :slight_smile:

You were BADLY misinformed…the game hasn’t gone into EXTRA INNINGS…The game has barely even started! I have at least TWO more whole story arc’s in mind! Each one will be multiple parts!

To Ponyus

You sir…are the FIRST person to acknolwedge the timing of the release of Archduke’s and my mods…CONGRATULATIONS!

Darkstar orchistrated the entire thing…the release of these two mods so close together was NOT coincidence!

His plan was to rock the forums to their core and it would appear he was sucessful!

I guess this accounts for why Unity has lost comms from a few sub nodes . .
(as if these new dreads were not causing enough trouble)

and dont forget the viral dread/nomad addon . . while its not as epic as the first two - it was released as well. .

But yeah - i love it when a plan comes together :slight_smile:

My Classic Dreadnoughts mod is now listed in the Ultimate Mod Compilation thread (originally tended by the now long-absent SirJamon).

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I’ve downloaded and extracted the mod into my GSB folder, where it shows up just fine alongside the DLC races and the Unity mod (all of which run with no problems). But when I run the game I can’t find the new ships anywhere. Running 1.55, bought directly from Positech.

Can anyone help me get this mod running? I’m sure it’s something incredibly simple…

Head over to fleet HQ - you might find you need to unlock them first :slight_smile:

Haha, I actually tried that but they aren’t in there unless I copy the hulls files from the Classic DNs folder into the main game’s hulls folder. This might be a way round the problem, but I simply don’t understand enough about how game files work to know if I should be doing this.

Strange . . .
Question: did you manually install the mod or unzip into your GSB folder . .
Reason why i ask this is because there will be an install file called Classic DN.txt that tells the game that you have the mod . .

Yep, I have that file. It’s in C:\Program Files\Gratuitous Space Battles\Classic Dreadnoughts v1.00\data\installs.

After downloading the mod, I used WinRar to unzip it to my main GSB game folder.

Thanks for the help BTW buddy :slight_smile:

OK, looks like the files didn’t end up where they should have.
Just quickly: it should look a little something like this - (this directory structure is for people that run the game directly or non-Steam users)

c:\Program Files\Gratuitous Space Battles\data\installs\Classic DNs.txt <<Other install files will be (for example) Uni-T mod and any DLC>>
c:\Program Files\Gratuitous Space Battles\Classic DNs\data\ <>
c:\Program Files\Gratuitous Space Battles\History of the Classic Dreadnoughts\ <>

Also in your c:\Program Files\Gratuitous Space Battles\ directory is other folders such as DLC like Order, Tribe and other mods like Uni-T :slight_smile:

You’re right about files ending up in the wrong places. I tried re-organising the new content into the folders you listed, but still no joy I’m afraid. I’m also getting into terrtitory that scares me a bit (lol). I tried re-installing the mod, but it still just all goes into the same folder. It’s at times like this I wish I understood a bit more about the process so I could properly explain what’s happening.

The Unity / DLC stuff is working fine by the way, and yes, it is in the same folder (main GSB one).

No worries mate, we are here to help :slight_smile:

I am assuming that when you open the zip file in winrar you see 3 folders
-Classic DN’s
-History of the Classic Dreads.

In theory if you drag n drop the folders into the c:\Program Files\Gratuitous Space Battles
it will create the directory structure like I mentioned above . .

Yessss! You sir (or madam) are an absolute hero. I can’t say thanks enough.

Also, thanks to your good self and the Archduke for giving us the chance to design the superships we’ve always wanted to. Absolutely amazing work on the backstories as well :slight_smile:

Now to get designing a workable battlestar!

DAYUM, indeed!!! That’s the only word I can say to describe the AWESOMENESS of these Classic Dreadnoughts! Seriously! With Union, these Dreadnoughts, and everything else, Uni-T’s gonna have a tough time cleansing the universe of “garbage”. Combined with SirJamon’s old 3xper1ment4l mod, the non-modded races are - finally! - again a major force to be reckoned with! I thought your original dreadnoughts from years ago were awesome, but these ones just take the TRUTHFUL cake! (Sorry, couldn’t resist the Portal reference. lawl) Thank you Archduke, Darkstar, Cen2050, and all the great modders out there for keeping the GSB universe alive!

Oh yeah, and Cliff’s blog post and tweet helped too. :slight_smile:

[-friendly handshakes-] Thanks, Hybrinoid. :slight_smile: It’s been a long slow road, but my dreadnoughts have finally reached much of what I intended for them so long ago.

Darkstar, thanks for helping Joecairo work past that little spot of trouble.

A battlestar isn’t in my future, Joe, but thank you all the same for your kind words about my Classic Dreadnoughts. As for the racial backstories and class histories of the dreadnoughts, you’re most welcome – I poured my heart into them. That combination of images and prose is very potent stuff.

I haven’t seen our troll-tastic leviathan-modder in quite some time. I do hope that all is well with him.

To say that my mod had long been caught in “development hell” is an understatement. Life outside the game has a way of doing that.

Ah, you liked my special surprise! Wonderful. :smiley:

Kemp, I chose your name for that intrepid Rebel admiral and all-around war hero because I wanted to say “thank you” in the biggest possible way for your radical and original efforts in the modding community. GSBedit is darned useful to have, and also we wouldn’t be able to do total-conversion mods nearly as well without your Restricted Vanilla Modules mod. Your investment of programming skill made it possible for the entire modding community to have options that didn’t really exist in a user-friendly way before you came along. That’s why you got inserted into the game history as the brave madman who ordered the famous Magic Carpet Ride (I’m sure you know what I mean :wink: ) So, Kemp’s Charge it is.

Enjoy the dreadnoughts, mate!

You, sir, are a scholar, a gentlemen, and a genius. The sheer amount of effort that has gone into this mod is incredible. The ships are… beautiful. The backstories are fantastically detailed. Everything about this… artwork is deserving of more praise than I can put into words.


Obscuredemon, hear me well: it’s the heartfelt praise and appreciation of players like you that give players like me the willingness to keep creating such content. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: This enriches the entire playing community by adding carefully-crafted new goodies to play with. Let’s break it down, item by item:

  • makes players happy that this additional material is free;

  • makes Cliffski happy that he doesn’t have to steal time from his next paying project to make said material for an older game that’s done development;

  • proves to anyone thinking of buying GSB that this is a game with a rich set of existing features (official and unofficial) and occasional wonderful surprises added by the modders.

So perhaps it’s me who should be thanking you. The Classic Dreadnoughts are meant to spice up any or all of your battles. The backstories are meant to add depth and perspective to the “Core 4” races that ship with each copy of the game. The class histories of each dreadnought are meant to entertain and awe the readers with those tales of imagination and wonder; mortal peril and grand epic scope salted with a tinge of humor here and there.

Up until the last few hours before all of “this” went public, I really had no idea how it might be received. I’m so pleased that all of my effort has not been in vain. Thank you for fulfilling my hopes.