Overlapping Cure Concentrations?

Is there any resources around here or the wider interwebz that has a good overlay of what cures have similar concentrations? It would be for planning purposes… Otherwise I would need to write them all down somewhere and match them up myself… Just wondering if someone has already done it. Trying to figure out what would make good super cures :slight_smile:

I thought they were random, determined on a per-game basis.

You may be there already, but one of the scenarios has this as a requirement.

Cure Concentration Ranges are not random.
(they’re set in the effects.data file)
Someone post a googleDocs spreadsheet that had the information presented pretty well. Maybe here, maybe reddit, maybe Steam.

I’ll post link here if I can find it.

I can’t find it at the moment. In the meantime, just copy/past the data in effects.data into a JSON converter
(like this one convertcsv.com/json-to-csv.htm). You can then download CSV or screenshot the HTML table etc.

Note the effects also includes side effects(and catalyst if they have them) after the cures. you can leave out that info if desired.

“Boundary” is the range you are after.

Brilliant. Thanks.

Nope, not random. Concentration, upgrade requirements etc etc. are all hard-coded.

And that’s why there are mods out there for replayability! nexusmods.com/bigpharma/mods/1/? regenerates and randomizes cures, side effects and catalysts each time.

Enjoy :slight_smile: