THE ORDER (Expansion Pack)

Still no Order on Steam. I suppose I’ll clean the garage.

Got the Order today and just like the Tribe is a brilliant addition, keep up the good work Cliff :slight_smile: Hope to see more in the future.

As an owner of Democracy 2, Kudos 2, GSB & the Tribe, The Order is an expansion too far.

I am an accountant, so I completely respect the business case of developing paid-for expansions for the hardcore community who are happy to pay for it. And I want to Cliff to do well, which is why I wanted to make clear where my boundaries where in terms of paying for additional content. But I’m not prepared to pay any more for this game.

That’s where I am at. I’m happy to explain more if needed, as I don’t think a forum full of yes-men is going to do Cliff any good. (Although I really, REALLY, want to see Galactica-style flak clouds {yay! find me on facebook!}…and yeah I probably would pay for that. Damn…)

hey eldarad - I don’t think there is a mass of yes-men on here. I certainly have given my criticisms of the game and i know cliffski at least reads everything even if he doesn’t reply (i’d rather have him developing anyway! :stuck_out_tongue: and there have been many posts making suggestions or ways to improve.

I understand why you think the Order goes too far, since its basically a sprite pack and doesn’t include new features or gameplay enhancements (beyond the new race and couple new weapons). I too am weary of spending more and more on faction dlc and would love to see, and be willing to pay for, gameplay enhancements like the meta-campaign (aka, something big, gratuitously life changing).

The thing is, the artwork costs big bucks, as it would do, being so awesome :D. The cost of the DLC packs is to pay back the cost of the art, plus the time spent doing all of the new ship designs, coding the new weapons, the new artwork for the new scenario backdrops (also not free…) and then testing the whole combination so it works with the game.
Basically, the game is moddable, and people could do entirely new races themselves, but the reason none have shown up in their entirety is that it’s a deceptive amount of work to make them. The DLC isn’t being done to make money. It’s done to stimulate continuing sales of the main game, and because a lot of GSB players like extra races to play with.
In purely financial terms, I’d be better off making GSB 2 than doing any expansions for the current game.

Hey come on Cliff give me some credit here, at least I released a race with 100% selfmade hulls, weapons, modules and … well other stuff! And for all of you out there who think that it’s cake and cheap, it’s certainly not. It’s a real scutwork to work over every single txt file let alone the graphics.
Kudos to you Cliff for making it possible to mod the game, but possible isn’t enough sometimes. You would see races popping up like mushrooms if you would release some kind of editor for an easier acces and editoring. Well this does not concern me because I’m continuing to mod anyway. In fact, outsource more of the hardcode into txt files :wink: But maybe you should really think about to make modding more easy. I mean if you want stimulate the sales of GSB1 there is nothing better than an active modding community. Maybe it would be more efficient to “outsource” the creation of new races and concentrate on GSB2.

Yes indeed, occasionally I throw myself into making the ship editor vaguely usable but its still a way off, and massively inconsistant. I do have full intentions to enable it in the main game at some point. I normally do more more work on it before I have to go through all that text file hell myself, so I’ll be working on it again soon.
It will still be a fairly geeky tool for hardcore modders though, unlike a nice drag and drop super-duper easy ship editor, which I’d love :smiley:

cool, here’s one idea. Have an ON/OFF switch for mods. I’ve seen this in another game that allow mods, Sins of a Solar Empire. They have a section where you can list all the mods and activate the one you want, or turn if off if you please. That way players don’t have to setup files individually or back up others.

I posted a brief JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler plug in the modding forums, and I feel it’s a great solution for until we get an in-game mod manager (if, in fact, we do):


I can completely agree with that. and the fact that its so easily modable is another huge plus that can stimulate sales of the main game knowing even newbie modders (like me) can make huge changes relatively easily. Like legios, well done, big mods can add a lot to the game and stimulate sales when ppl see something cool like that.

on another forum there is a debate raging about that very fact. that game has become increasingly hardcoded and inaccessible to modders and there are petitions and dev-hate all around (not because modders don’t like the game, but because they won’t let modders improve it).

I know PDLC has a very polarising effect on gamers, since you sometimes get great DLC and other developers just release tat (street fighter IV/FPS mappacks etc.) to try and rake in some extra cash, the DLC for GSB is well made and not bad price wise for what you get. It would be great to see a bigger DLC or full on expansion in the future, more the better really.

I personally prefer official DLC or expansions to mods, although thats not knocking the work people put into their mods, I would do it myself if I could mod :slight_smile:

For big shops, I’m against DLC, largely because of how it is done. Not that it matters, as I stopped buying new games years ago. Now it’s GSB and or nothing.

For GSB specifically, I’m happy with the DLC - it goes to a talented individual who provides great gaming value for the price. Thank you, Cliff.

why are people talking about price, a DLC is Downloadable Content, only if the authors are dicky then a DLC costs (im sure you arnt Cliff) but a DLC dose have the effect of bosting sales as people who just lurk around may buy the game if it has X1.15 the original Data, which makes it seam more cost effective

Your looking at it in terms of total cost of acquisition. How about return on investment? If the expansion plays out for me the way the Tribe the entertainment will cost me about 25 cents an hour. That is a great return on investment.

I have a slight problem, whenever i try to use any of the order’s ships, it says something about an explosion not being loaded or something
Any help?

You probably have an older version of the game. Make sure it is patched up to 1.36, either by re-downloading, or by entering your serial number in the online bit, and letting the game download a patch.

I once had the same problem when I got the order before an update, dont use nuclear missiles untill it is updated, limpets and the guns should work.

thanks, i just reinstalled it (before i read here) and it worked. Thanks though