[Yoma] New Race ( ^-^)

Well, long time ago since i used kerkythea but… have u tried the kerkythea official forums??

kerkythea.net/joomla/index.p … &Itemid=76

There u can learn how to use kerkythea and of course, how to apply emissive materials (u need to do a search on the forums). The final result is better than doing a photoshop retouch (well, if u are skillez u can make a very good job but…) and u dont need to open the file in photoshop to add glowing effects wasting more time than the needed. And when u need a light, u cant simulate the light reflection without emissive materials, so i encourage u to look at some tutorials in the kerkythea forum -.-

P.D.: Emissive materials doesnt mean glowing effect, the emissive materials are just materials that emites some sort of light, good for making power nodes, weapon lights, etc if u want a “glow” u need to use photoshop (but usually with a emissive material there is no need, unless u are making a ship engine debris effect or something like that). There is no other way (as far as i know, the actual render engines cant create “glowing” effects, not even vray).

Thanks for the info and the link! Will take a looksee and try and figure it out ( ^ ^)

in the meantime, another Yoma unit. I’m sure someone has already probably done something like this but, meh. It’s a static Artillery Platform, no engines and one heck of a big gun that fires large explosive shells at things from way back. So yeah, no movement, just designed to take slow but highly damaging pot-shots at the enemy from far away.

What you might want to do is make a special engine for these platforms and have a 0 thrust and a negative power. I made one of these engines to allow my stations and weapons platforms to go into “engine required” maps But DO not have a high negative value for the power or it gets abused. I have found out half the power of the LOWEST reactor of the class it is in. Basically instead of producing thrust the engine is slapped up to a power generator and powers the station/ weapon platform.

I do LOVE what you are doing here and great great job; :slight_smile:

That or u can put a negative -5 value on the ship speed bonus (i think this is more “real”… lol).

@Lonestar & N3MES1S - Both good ideas! I forgot that some maps require engines… (-_-; I’ll have to give it a try!

Currently the platform itself produces a lot of power, this is so that only this unit can use the big-honking artillery weapon module (which I’ve made to have ridiculously high power requirements), so I’ll have to work out what do do about the engines too… a high negative speed in this case might be the best option… I’ll give it a try :wink:

Glad you like the work Lonestar ( ^ ^)

Next pic…

This is what I plan to use for a cloaking device module…

I still fail at using emissive materials so still using paint.net etc for effects ^^;

Looks ok though!

OW, u got really awesome skillz using paint.net ^^

Good job, i prefer ward shaded materials (and too much shiny reflection for my taste) but still it looks great. U dont need to use emissive materials if u dont want to, anyways :wink:

BTW, u will realize when the time comes, that it is more important to have a very good imagination than other skillz xD. Making modules requires a very imaginative mind, it seems that u got one -.-

Another basic design, because I just had a thought for an anti-fighter turret that amused me and I wanted to get something drawn up fast… (^ ^ :wink:

See the way I view enemy fighters is like annoying flies… and to deal with flies, you need a bug-zapper… :smiley:

Hence the ‘Arclight’ ^^

I also have a long range heavy-duty lightning weapon too (especially for that artillery platform) :smiley: but that looks more like a gun than a mystic wizard’s ball… XD

I just wish I could have a lightning effect arc between set points on that turret, it would look awesome… oh well…!

Here’s a video showing some of the weapons/ships I’ve been working on ^^

It seems they’re a little overpowered atm so I’ll weaken them a bit next time I have a go…

Apologies for the flickering… I’ve tried 2 different screen-recording software programs and neither of them like GSB (-_-;

Also, it’s kinda loud!

hmm… I decided that I didn’t like the ‘Arcgun’ (large long-range lightning weapon) as being just the lightning bolt… so I made it into a beam + lightning. I think it looks prettier ^^

gonna have to come up with some interesting new missiles next… f(¬ ¬ )

Once again I’ve been in the chop-shop as I decided to add one more ship to the Yoma fleet… it’s based on a design from an anime that I like… I really like that particular ship so decided to add it to the fleet.

However in the anime, all the views of the ship are from the sides etc, no top-down views besides when you see a schematic on a control screen so… I’ve done the best I can for now. It’s not finished yet, I’ll tweak it further to make it more Yoma-like… but I guess I was wondering how many of you are anime fans, and if anyone knows which anime this ship is from? :stuck_out_tongue:

Answers on a postcard to Yoma HQ :wink:

[trying so hard to keep silent]
I hope that some other modder also knows exactly what this is. I’m just going to go elsewhere while I’m busy looking smug. :smiley:
[fails the silence test]

i have no idea…

its not that im no anime fan, its just that i never seem to get in to any of the series… i mean, i can watch like 10 episodes, but then i get tired of it and want to do something else.

any particular series that anyone would recomend?

Shhhhhhhh…! :stuck_out_tongue:

btw here’s the lit-up version ^^

I think as the style is a bit different to the other ships, I’ll call this an experimental prototype… :wink:

Meekly raises hand - i am also an Anime Fan . .
I might have to go dig through my collection and watch that series again :slight_smile:

Anyways, nice conversion - That was one starship I would like to operate

Raises Hand

I just love Robotech and Macross Series, But the only one that i completed is Macross Frontier, the last and best of all, in my opinion :stuck_out_tongue:
Also, now i’m watching Naruto Shippuden, and same than above, i love it…

BUUUUT… Nope, idk from where are those ships, but i like them, the top view is pretty similar to Covenant Cruisers from Halo

Oh yeah, i can help you with custom beam textures, seems like i’m good mixing bitmaps ^^ Hehehe

@Ponyus: Man, Macross Frontier has a bit of everything: Spaceships, Mechs, Love, Fight, Aliens, War, Spaceships, Mechs and MOAR MECHS (yeah, i like Mechs)
In my opinion, Macross frontier is the most epic serie about Mechs EVAR, with no more than 26 Episodes, surely it will fit with your needings ^^
“Naruto” and “Naruto Shippuden”, they are different, think on Dragon Ball Z mixed With Bleach, but everything about Ninjas, the problem, those series are INSANELY LONG, but they have one of the most awesome histories since DBZ

That awkward moment when the non-asian is a bigger anime fan than the asian.

Well i am not an anime fan, but i must say i love Naruto (and i like anime), the problem with Naruto is that in the anime there are too many useless episodes, and the history takes ages to advance. I recently finished to watch “Code Geass” (a must see i need to say) and “Toaru Majutsu No Index” (and the sequel). Sadly, i never payed attention on the ships of any anime series lool.



I would just like to offer my sincerest congratulations on the amazing work you’ve done with the art and effects.
I espescially like the enormous beam lasers and the overall theme of the race.
However, I think the “artillery shell” weapon is ill-suited to the rest of the concept.
Please excuse me if I am incorrect, but the Yoma seem like an advanced and elegant species, and a crude explosive shell seems unfitting.

Once again, Yoma is a simply marvellous piece of work and I can barely wait for the release.