Choose path at branches depending on car features

Well… I’m currently experimenting around a bit with various optional upgrades… some cars get them, others don’t etc…

While I was doing that I thought that it would be cool if one could click on a 3-way or 4-way intersection and select which path a car goes down depending on if it has certain upgrades/features added to it or not.

… basically like a filter where a car may go down a route only if it meets certain upgrade requirements.

That would help a lot to create more diversified designs but without having to double/triple the entire production line.


just visualizing to click at several intersections at the late game with one or more high performance production line(s) … It sounds for a lot of micromanagement and no time for expanding and optimization.

But having a nice bunch of variants rushing through the production line is still a great idea. My suggested solution would be to create the model before the first production task will be started. This would be a U-turn of the todays concept but could open a lot of other possibilities too.

So may I interest you for one of my threads:

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