Elevated conveyer belts

When designing one of my factories today I came across an issue. I am losing a lot of space on the factory floor because of finished cars getting moved to Export. If overhead conveyers where implimated this mean that my finished cars could be moved across the factory without taking up valuable space. Am I the only one that thinks this would be a good addition or do other people think this is a good idea.

Hi Finoboy,

your suggestion sound very similar to this one:

So at all it’s an idea about safe crossing. Am I right?

If I am right maybe someone could merge this posts …

Kind regards

Yeah. All about safe crossing. Finished cars to get to the other side of a factory without actual taking up valuable space

That link routes to my bug report guideline… I guess you made a Copy&Paste mistake. xD

You’re right, here is the correct one:

I think elevated conveyor belts would help a lot and make your factory look cooler haha!