GSB Fan Art

I’ll add it along with artist names once I figure out how to use the Gallery on my site a little better - you’d think I’d know since I installed the thing. :stuck_out_tongue: Since your post, I’ve started to haunt the mods section a little more, and I have to say I’m quite impressed. It’ll be nice to have the mod wallpapers to showcase the work out there.

So I started to work on the Order wallpaper when I realized that I don’t have the texture between the different segments of ship hulls - the tractorbeam that keeps the parts together. Would anybody happen to have that in png with transparency or black background?

Ugh… I’m like King of multi-posting. :stuck_out_tongue:

Is this what you need?

And yeah, I think there are a lot of very cool mods in there, both released and in developement, and I feel they’re not getting the attention they could, would be good to get them some limelight :slight_smile:

Kete, that is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!

The Order has arrived.

Full Size 1284x1024

These are great looking.
But this afternoon it suddenly struck me how cool they would be as loadscreens.

Are loadscreens set at 1024x1024? anything bad happen if they aren’t?
Do loadscreans require the filename of form “loadscreen_*.JPG” ?

if you just throw them into the loadscreen folder as bitmaps, they should show up. I’m not sure off the top of my head if they will laod as jpgs there or not.
They would,indeed, be awesome.

Well I should go to bed, but I found myself working on the Swarm wallpaper. Those birds got some span! I was trying to scale them at 1.8 px/m, but the Ra hull is almost 1000 px wide! Considering that I have created the wally at 1280 px wide, that’s 4/5 of the screen across. o_O Each race has had its own challenge… ramble ramble… I hoped to get the Swarm up tonight but it looks like I’ll have to delay until tomorrow or Monday.

That’s because Swarm naval architechture is indirectly shaped by the legacy of their first admiral - and he was not small of stature… :wink:

ROFL! Well despite their origins, I have completed the Swarm wallpaper for your enjoyment (and maybe even amusement).

GSB Wallpaper Gallery

Cool, love the Swarm designs, and they really do have some span :slight_smile:

just a couple of typos, the cruiser is Sekhmet, not sehkmet, and the frigate is ‘Horus’, not ‘Horace’ :smiley:

Just to give you an idea of their size… most of the designs have a 1.8 - 2 px/m ratio. To fit The Swarm on the screen, I had to use a 1.56 ratio. :open_mouth:

LOL! I’ve been reading Ranger’s Apprentice to my kids before bed so it appears to have influenced my spelling (not to mention that I’ve been working on these at 2 am). Thanks for the catches!

Spelling has been fixed.

Been just a little uninspired lately, so I started goofing around with loadscreen ideas, I think these qualify as fan art. You can also see my vain attempts at squeezing a third dimension out of just 2, did it work? you be the judge… (short answer - nope :confused: )

These will come with the next version of hisvoice.

Also, I’ve been redoing the Archangel, it looked too tatty, so I redid the wallpaper, It’s been updated in its original post. See if you can spot the difference

the first one looks funny, but the others are good.

The Swarm wallpaper looks fantastic. Great job! The only thing is that the ships look a bit low rez.
It would be great if cliffski could release hi-rez images of the ships so that larger and more glorious wallpapers could be made.

All right, The Nomads wallpaper has been readdressed and is ready.

Adsadafafas, your work is incredible, and I always get really excited when I see a new post in this thread…I’m all like “Oh my God is there more artwork??”

Bravo! Thank you for honoring my request and updating the wallpaper which started it all. :smiley:

Now that the 4 core races and all DLC races are covered so wonderfully, would you be willing to have a go at creating similar wallpapers for some of the more visually distinct/unique modded races? I saw the wallpapers for Kete’s cool His Voice mod race and it gave me hope. There’s likely too many mod races to cover all of them in a reasonable period of time; graphical quality varies hugely across their range, anyhow. However, Eich’s Legios and Scavengers mods are great; top-notch visuals and unusual hull shapes.

Thank you! But to be fair, my work is only as good as the work of those that create the ships.

The Federation has been readdressed - new layout, slightly larger images, and new font. Hope you enjoy!

Couple questions:
#1: Does anybody know if the length measures the distance of the longest axis or is it the distance from bow to stern? I’ve been playing with the Legios hulls and am afraid hull length has become an issue.
#2: Does the DDS file for ships have the hull overlaid on a transparent background? I used the screenshot but it looks pretty crappy on anything other than black. I’d like to highlight the ships, but they are hard to see on the black background. Anybody (Eich?) have the hulls for these with transparency?
#3a: Eich, if you’re out there, any chance I could get your Legios logo with a width of 385 px?
#3b: What font did you use for the logo?