Mac Friendly Mods [Gratuitous Mod Pack for Mac! (pg. 5)]

True. I was going to ask Archduke about it but you beat me to the punch. When I get everything finished I’ll upload and share. I’ll take it down if the author has a problem.

[size=125]Here’s my thoughts on this subject:[/size]

The great majority of the players who authored the mods which are stored here are not going to be coming back. Note carefully that I didn’t say that none of them are coming back, though! :stuck_out_tongue: But at this late date in GSB’s lifecycle, many of the autumn leaves are already fallen to the ground; our shared spring & summer are far behind us. As recently as September 2011 or so, a few veteran authors of now-classic mods (such as our own honored Eich, of Legios fame from 2009!) were still checking-in with the forum every few months.

But modders like him are the exception and not the rule.

Take GATC, for example. His recently-rediscovered Xedilco mod has apparently had no updates or additions made to it in nearly a year and a half. And GATC hasn’t logged-in at these forums in over five months! It’s unlikely that he’s coming back. Again, it’s not impossible that he might, but I would be reluctant to bet on it.

BowlNwhsprer is attempting to make pre-existing modded content available and usable by a whole 'nother set of GSB players: our friends from the Mac side of the universe. They’re a small group when compared to the huge majority of players using the (original) Windows edition, but they also paid for the game, and they deserve a better chance to enjoy the many mods that reside here. If BowlNwhsprer is willing to invest his own time and effort to help smooth the way for our often less-than-modding-experienced Mac comrades, then I applaud him.

He is not detracting from the quality of those mods, or altering the creative/aesthetic content of those mods, or removing anything of concern. Instead, he is simply format-shifting them.

I think that the service he’s quietly, steadily providing is a valuable one and I strongly encourage him to continue with it. :slight_smile:

I agree with Astro. I’m not a Mac user myself, but I heartily approve of any expanded use horizons for any mod. I would be happy for my current and future mod projects to be converted over to Mac.

The Matmos Rift: (Yes, it’s the thread here in the forums. Should be enough.) Note: This mod is still a WIP, expected to hopefully be advanced to a “complete” state in the next few months (i.e., you may want to hold off on converting it for a short while).

Admittedly, that’s my only current project. I’ll be happy to point the way to future mods as they occur.

As a former Mac user, I remember trying to convert Eich’s Scavengers mod by opening every file in Gimp and converting it to .png. I support any effort to streamline this process and I will undoubtedly make any future mods I make come with a Mac version.

Woah cool. Thanks for the support everyone.

I’ll start of Matmos Rift soon Ace, Thanks.

Ancient vs. Microbe (Just got 123stw’s PM of consent anyways) should be up in a few moments.

Xedilco (by GATC) soon after I play test it.

Praetorian Industries 1.0 will be up when I buy the parasites expansion (which is what I’m doing right now)

Ancients vs. Microbe is up and running. Gotta hand it to 123stw, the races are beautiful to look at let alone construct. The Microbe side of things is neat, different and downright scary! Lots of -% stats but they make up for it is so many ways. Excellent mod! 10/10!

Xedilco for some reason has some issues. It crashes my game when I use certain modules on cruisers or frigates. Looks interesting though.

I am working on the Praetorian Industries mod, just swamped a little right now. I hope to crack out some work on it this week, but am in my last semester of Graduate school and have a hectic semester of designing for a show, comprehensive exams, teaching two undergrad courses, and am at a conference all week, in addition to being a dad, husband and all that good stuff:)

Any help is great, I just don’t want you to pour a ton of time in to the PI and I crack it out a week before you do.

No problem. Maybe it either of us run into problems we can collaborate.

I’m probably gonna start working on it soon.

I have learned that you DO NOT have to convert the text file extensions to .png, you only have to convert the actual image files to png. (At least that is the case so far for the PI mod, may change…don’t know.) I have PI up and partially running on Mac at the moment I have having some crashes in the scenarios. When you are ready to start working let me know and I will send you a copy of what I have done at that time.

From my research with the mods, there have been only a few rare cases where in order to make a PC mod compatible with Mac I needed to change the file extentions in the text from .dds to .png.

In other words, yes your right Magnus however if a mac user is having problems with the Mac port, try changing the .dds to .png in the text files.

Yep. Discovered that too. Every mod from Legios does not have its coding changed, only the pictures.

Praetorian Industries is almost ready to DL. Just gotta play test. (and buy everything…eventually T_T)

I uploaded Xedilco quietly. It’s quite buggy IMHO and something makes cruiser and frigate designs crash the program. If anybody wants to figure out what the problem is, they are more than welcome to give it a go.

For PI I had to change the hull name on the EX-Aeetes Cruiser. It had a special character in the name that caused serious issues. There are two broken modules that Praetors pointed out, a large bunch of unneeded files, and the cruiser radiation flame thrower blast texture is missing. I am also having issues with the scenarios crashing, but play testing seems to be going well so far. Oh…Many of the PI hulls now have black backgrounds on their hulk and damages texture images… :-o I don’t know if it was my conversion by aorta or what.

If you need a copy of my work shoot me a PM and I will upload it tonight and send you a link.

As far as your crashing issue in the other mod…look to see if the hulls have a common component, most likely a turret type. It shouldn’t be a sound file because you get a warning about that…missing weapon textures show up as white boxes…

Did you mean “every mod from Eich,” instead? Because Eich is the author of Legios, Scavengers and Pirates.

@ Archduke: Whoops. I meant, “every [.txt file] from Legios…etc.”

@magnus: Didn’t play the scenarios yet. I found that aeetes hull discrepancy too, that’s changed. And I’d love a copy of your work so far on PI.

Just an update for PI folks. There are some bugs which I’m trying to wrap my head around (given I have little coding experience). Hopefully, magnus and I can figure everything out in due time (with a bunch of help from Praetors too).

So far, I think I’ve found some areas of buggy intrusion:

I think there is something wrong with Flak Accelerator Weapon. Game crashes when ships come into range of it.
Also, I think the game also crashed when a Dummy hull “bomb” was about to explode. Could be that my mac’s processor just couldn’t handle or a coding bug. Hard to say.

Other than that, the PI mod is GREAT! Very cool modules and hulls. Loving the artillery guns. I’ll upload a base copy of PI for the community to use. Maybe folks will help us out.

Again… delete it, its an outdated-unused game crashing module.

Dummy hull bomb?

Sorry, should’ve been more detailed. I used a “Dummy” hull (the ones with -99% cost boost, frigate-sized) and attached the “Kamikaze AI” module on them. Right when a ship was to explode, the game crashed.

Yep that must be relationed with the mac power

Are their anymore bad cruiser modules that you may have loaded onto cruiser hulls in the scenarios?

I will try to come up with a list of scenarios that crash, them compare the lists of ships, then turrets…

All of the fighter/corvette turrets work fine on mac so far, play tested those tonight.

AFAIK, there are NO crashing modules equiped in the scenarios deployment ships