Social activities to do at home

My dog gets really unhappy if I go out in the evenings, and since I spend all day at work, I can’t blame her for wanting some companionship. But my friends get snippy if I don’t spend time with them. What to do?

Create more social events that take place in my home, that’s what! :slight_smile:

These are intended to be relatively casual events, where a few people come over and do something fun, and as the hostess, I spring for a bottle of soda and a bag of chips. Not a black-tie event! :slight_smile:

I should probably note that I have no idea what I’m actually doing, but I copied the format that was already there, and these worked in my game.

Edit: For some reason, the end of some lines was being cut off in the post, even though it looked like it was there when I edited it. Weird. To work around this, I’ve put line breaks in – take them out when you actually copy and paste.

Put these in your social_events.csv:

#,GAME,boardgames,Play Board Games,Play Monopoly or Pictionary or Clue with friends.,Game Player,game,0,SOCFLAG_HOMEBASED,Call(dirtyhome);Call(homewithpets),"_random,1.0",“One of those games that drags on and on without being much fun”,“An okay game.”,“A great game. You were both smart and lucky tonight.”,“Would you like to come over and play some board games?”,8,0,-1,-1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,-1,#,“games,1.0”,“conversation,0.3”,#,“stress,-0.1,

#,GAME,darts,Play Darts,Try to hit the bullseye or at least the dart board.,Darts Player,game,0,SOCFLAG_HOMEBASED,Call(dirtyhome);Call(homewithpets),"_random,1.0",
“Everybody was clumsy tonight, and now there are holes in the wall.”,“The game was satisfactory. It’s only darts, after all.”,“Everybody was really into the game tonight, and some throws seemed almost magical.”,“Would you like to come over and play darts?”,8,0,-1,-1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,-1,#,“games,1.0”,“conversation,0.3”,“sports,0.7”,#,“stress,-0.1,

#,NORMAL,watchvideo,Watch a Video,Invite your friends over to watch videos.,Video Watcher,video,0,SOCFLAG_HOMEBASED,Call(dirtyhome);Call(homewithpets);PlaySound(tv.ogg),
“_random,1.0”,“This video was more fun than watching paint dry, but not by a whole lot.”,“This video wasn’t Great Art, but it was still a reasonably good time.”,“Movies like this one come along rarely, and you appreciate them all the more when they do.”,“Wanna come over and watch a video?”,8,0,-1,-1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,-1,#,“movies,1.0”,“conversation,0.4”,“culture,0.5”,#,“stress,-0.1,

To strings.ini, add these lines: nv_darts = “Darts”
nv_boardgames = “Board Games”

These look really cool. ideally you could add some boardgames as stuff to buy in the store and make playing them dependent on owning some :D.


If I can figure out how to do that, I’ll do it for the darts. Everybody I know has board games just sort of kicking around the house; it’s like everybody gets issued Monopoly and Scrabble at birth or something. :slight_smile:

Hello, great idea by the way.

However, I can’t get these to work. My game keeps crashing. What should I do?

I love these ideas, but I’m having the same problem MariamC is having. The game kept crashing, so I had to remove them. Any suggestions, as I’d love to be able to use these.

As I said, they wouldn’t fit on the forum in the format in which they should be used. When you copy the stuff to your social_events.csv, make sure there are no spaces or line breaks – I had to put some in to get it to show up on the forum.

Here, I’ll show you what to do in each case:

#,GAME,boardgames,Play Board Games,Play Monopoly or Pictionary or Clue with friends.,Game Player,game,0,SOCFLAG_HOMEBASED,Call(dirtyhome);Call(homewithpets),"_random,1.0",“One of those games that drags on and on without being much fun”,“An okay game.”,“A great game. You were both smart and lucky tonight.”,“Would you like to come over and play some board games?”,8,0,-1,-1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,-1,#,“games,1.0”,“conversation,0.3”,#,

For Play Board Games, there’s a line break at the beginning of the last line (the one that begins "stress,-0.1). Copy and paste the whole thing into your social_events.csv, then put your cursor right before "stress,-0.1. Use the backspace key to move that line until it’s at the end of the preceding line then save the file. When you backspace, make sure you don’t erase any commas; just join it all up.

#,GAME,darts,Play Darts,Try to hit the bullseye or at least the dart board.,Darts Player,game,0,SOCFLAG_HOMEBASED,Call(dirtyhome);Call(homewithpets),"_random,1.0",“Everybody was clumsy tonight, and now there are holes in the wall.”,“The game was satisfactory. It’s only darts, after all.”,“Everybody was really into the game tonight, and some throws seemed almost magical.”,“Would you like to come over and play darts?”,8,0,-1,-1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,-1,#,“games,1.0”,“conversation,0.3”,“sports,0.7”,#,

For Play Darts, there’s a line break at the beginning of the last line (the one that begins "stress,-0.1). Copy and paste the whole thing into your social_events.csv, then put your cursor right before "stress,-0.1. Use the backspace key to move that line until it’s at the end of the preceding line then save the file. When you backspace, make sure you don’t erase any commas; just join it all up.

#,NORMAL,watchvideo,Watch a Video,Invite your friends over to watch videos.,Video Watcher,video,0,SOCFLAG_HOMEBASED,Call(dirtyhome);Call(homewithpets);PlaySound(tv.ogg),
“_random,1.0”,“This video was more fun than watching paint dry, but not by a whole lot.”,“This video wasn’t Great Art, but it was still a reasonably good time.”,“Movies like this one come along rarely, and you appreciate them all the more when they do.”,“Wanna come over and watch a video?”,8,0,-1,-1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,-1,#,“movies,1.0”,“conversation,0.4”,“culture,0.5”,#,

Watch a Video has more breaks to join up than the other two. Copy and paste the whole thing into your social_events.csv, then put your cursor at the beginning of the third line. At the beginning of the third line, where it says “_random,1.0” backspace until that joins up with PlaySound(tv.ogg),. Again, make sure you don’t leave any spaces and don’t erase any commas. There’s another line break at the beginning of the last line (the one that begins "stress,-0.1). Use the backspace key to move that line until it’s at the end of the preceding line then save the file. When you backspace, make sure you don’t erase any commas; just join it all up.

I’ll bet that’s why I was getting errors. My csv files open up in OpenOffice, which automagically combine multiple delimiters into one. All of those extra commas next to each other weren’t in the line, and that probably caused my edits to crash the game. I’ll have to try that. Thanks for the help!

Can someone please help me ?!
I want to add this but I dont know where to go
I dont really understand how to add mods

Thanks in advance

For the last part, do you mean add it to the the “strings configuration settings”? Or is there a file called “strings.ini” that I’m just missing? I think I looked all over the data folder and couldn’t find strings.ini.

Edit: Nevermind, figured out that they are one and the same. :slight_smile:

I remember Kudos 1 had Watch TV as a possible social activity, which IIRC was improved if the character had cable tv.

I really want to add these things… but I have a mac… I can’t find anything labeled social_events.csv

Can someone help me??