Supplying Treatments vs Successful Treatments

Hi. I’m just getting into this game, and I’ve worked my way up to the intermediate levels. Great game, but there’s something I’m a bit confused by.
One of the intermediate levels, “Keep calm and carry on” asks you to “Supply 250 Reduces Anxiety treatments.” This is a straightforward objective - just crank out mass quantities of that drug - and thanks to the presence of a lucky catalyst, I got the master rating with loads of time.

The confusion comes from the level “Thicker than Water” with the objective to "Supply 200 successful Treats Sickle Cell Anemia treatments. On my first run, I missed the appearance of the word successful in the objective, so I did the same thing as above…only to find that the objective ticker only went up about a third the rate I was producing the drug. Obviously not all of my produce resulted in a “successful” treatment.

So what is it I’m missing? My first thought that it was under that permanently cured category (whatever that means…I’m pretty sure you’re not permanently curing someone of the common cold, or pain, and I’m not sure I want to consider the implications of a permanent cure in the contraceptives category), but the numbers didn’t come close to matching up. Any suggestions?

The number of successful treatments can be found in the company tab by hovering over the drug’s score (that letter grade). It should show you in the box that pops up the total number of treatments supplied and how many were successful (as well as how many caused side effects).

Ahh, ok. Presumably, given where the data is found, the best means of improving it would be to analyze the drug and get the concentration to the effect’s max strength. Thanks for the help!

Yep you’re absolutely correct. Sorry that it’s not that clear.