[MOD] Legios

No overwrites…
In the meantime check http://www.moddb.com/mods/legios for pics…

I just don’t understand it. I did download and unpack the stuff. After that I copied to my game folder, but nothing has happened.

Ah ok I see. So which option to unpack did you choose?
(1) Unpack here
(2) Unpack to legios_0_81_BETA\

If you did choose number (2) you mustn’t copy the folder “legios_0_81_BETA” into your game directorie. The rar file should contain 2 folders and 2 txts. You have to copy those 4 files directly into your gamefolder.
If you did the above mentioned things, the problem may be that you just did not see the new race related things. Either you scroll to the bottom of the ship list where you should see legios ships, or you scroll to the bottom of the change race sreen where you can activate the race for deploytation.

Okay, now I see what I did wrong! Thanks for the help, it does now work.

Trying out that mod now. The screens look very juicy.

It occured to me that I totaly forgot that all of you out there playing Legios at the moment will most likely see no engines anymore. For me, I fixed it in my version after 5 min of course, but never lost a thought about uploading it ^^ In the the upcoming version (1.00) there will be new engines other then those in the HOTFIX. You may expect the release mid or end march. Here the link for the HOTFIX:


Just copy the folder “legios” into your game directorie.

Link to engine fix is down. :frowning:

No? Maybe you exceeded your download limit?

Oh yeah I did… now it’s working.

Greetings, yeah well work has now officially recommenced. Yesterday I finished the backdrops for the scenarios and 2 new ship models. Here is a preview of the backdrops if some ppl are interested :wink:


the first 2 look like the same planet O_O

the third looks like Geonosis :wink:

very good, keep up the good work! :smiley:

Eich, your Legios mod is a really nice creation. I do hope to see more of it. My kid really likes it, too.

Would you consider creating a frigate design with a few more weapons hardpoints, though? Those little guys are a bit tough to get max performance out of. Some sort of “medium” cruiser would also be welcome; cheaper and less capable than the two excellent ones in the mod at present. Those two hulls would help fill what I perceive as some gaps in the Legios’ fleet composition.

@ Hybrinoid,
They may look alike (if you have phantasie) but they aren’t. The first one is custom made and the second one is the venus :wink: Concerning the third one, I wanted to create a destroyed planet, maybe I will work over it again because it doens’t really look like the crust is really missing at the moment… At the moment it looks more like a senseless shadow ^^

@ Archduke,

Thanks alot :wink:
And concerning the two new hulls, I did not only consider it, it is excactly what I have done :wink:

nevertheless, they look awesome :smiley:

Finally the new version of Legios (1.00) has been released. This will be the last content update concerning this mod. There will be most likely only updates to fix issues like bugs or balancing.
Henceforth I will be working on a completely new race for GSB, so stay tuned :wink:

Nice work Eich.

One of the fighters (the one with 3 hardpoints) has a 10% shield bonus, but no shield module to go with it. Shouldn’t that be an armor bonus?

True… Will be fixed in the upcoming 1.01 patch :wink: Thanks krebor. Keep the bugs coming guys ^^

Very awesome update! :slight_smile: Downloading now.

Looks great. But DON’T USE MEGAUPLOAD. I >3 waiting times.

I decided to make a little graphic overhaul for Legios before my semesterbreak is over at the end of the week. After the great “discovery” of mip mapping I will add this to the ship moddels and perhaps work over the damaged hull dds files again. So if there are any points which need to be rebalanced or changed post it here so that I may fix it with the upcoming update! Basically I’m just modding at the moment and don’t have time and muse to actually play ^^ So there are many bugs I will not find due to a lack of real testing…